Ann Toback Statement on Biden v. Texas — Remain in Mexico Policy

April 26, 2022. Today, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case that could have dire consequences for thousands of people. The case, Biden v. Texas, seeks to overturn a lower court ruling that has kept in place a cruel Trump-era policy known as Remain in Mexico, preventing the Biden Administration from lifting the Remain in Mexico policy.

Continuing to maintain this policy endangers migrants seeking to exercise their legal right to apply for asylum in the United States by forcing them to remain in Mexico where they are subjected to documented, intolerable conditions, including kidnapping, violence, and rape.

The Workers Circle’s CEO, Ann Toback, released the following statement:

“Migrants fleeing for their lives to the US should not be forced into a new life-threatening situation by the very country from which they are seeking asylum. We strongly oppose this inhumane policy and hope that the Supreme Court will see the injustice of this egregious rule. “

The Workers Circle was founded in 1900 by Eastern European immigrants seeking safe haven in the United States and a place to build democratic society. Today the Workers Circle (formerly known as the Workmen’s Circle) is a social justice organization that powers progressive Jewish identity through Jewish cultural engagement, Yiddish language learning, multigenerational education, and social justice activism. For over a century we have provided this 360-degree approach to Jewish identity-building. Through contemporary cultural programs, strategic social justice campaigns, vibrant Yiddish language classes, interactive educational experiences and more, we connect Jewish adults, kids and families of all affiliations with their cultural heritage, working to build a better and more beautiful world for all.


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